mardi 5 novembre 2013

Joannie Rochette

Her career
Joannie Rochette came from Bertierville a city at 75 kilometer of Montreal. She's born  January 13, 1986. She start skate at 6 years old. Actually her coach is Manon Perron. Her choreograph are Shae-Lynn Bourne and Lori Nichol. She's skate at CPA St-Leonard club. She skate on the category senior ladies. Her models are Sylvie Fréchette & Rafael Nadal. Her favorite skater are Michelle Kwan & Kurt Browning. She's collect Stuffed animals. The think she's the more proud of it is being the first lady from Quebec on the World podium. Her most prized possession is her medal from the World Championships.

Her ranking

About her
The personal quality she's de most proud of it is to be passionate and always persevere. She's weakness is My lack of punctuality, that I am unable to say no, and I tend to overestimate how many hours are in a day! She's favorite junk food is Chocolate chip cookies. She don’t really have a lucky charm, but she always listen to she Ipod before competitions.

The most important think happen when she return home was the generous impulse of all Quebec because her force in front of her mother's death.

Event so, Joannie is able to overcome obstacle and she's really brave

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